Rabu, 17 Februari 2016

china and iran build the first silk lines for their trade cooperation

china and iran build the first silk lines for their trade cooperation

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TEHERAN - A new round of trade between China and Iran begins. It is characterized by the arrival of the train that revive silk route linking China and Iran in the capital Tehran.

The train is capable of carrying 32 containers of commercial goods. In the course of 14 days, from Zhejiang Province, passing through Kazakstan and Turkmenistan, the train finally reached Tehran on Monday, February 15th. The distance covered approximately 9,500 kilometers and can be reached within 30 days shorter than the ordinary journey from Shanghai to the Port of Bandar Abbas in Iran.

"The arrival of this train in less than 14 days of unprecedented" Head of Iran Railway Company, Seyed Mohsen Pour Aayi, as reported by the Shanghaiist, Wednesday (17/02/2016).


Photo: The first Silk Road between China and Iran

"The rise of the silk route is very important for countries on this route," he continued.

Chinese authorities said at least route to Iran can be done once a month. It also plans to expand this sutra path to Europe. As part of one of the most ambitious proposal ever planned.

Last month, Chinese President Xi Jinping was welcomed when they travel to Iran. The visit was the first time for the leader of the Bamboo Curtain country in the last 14 years. During the visit, Xi Jinping and President Hassan Rouhani Iraq agreed that the economic relations between the two countries should be realized over the next decade.

According to Xi, this partnership marks a significant step forward to expand trade throughout Asia.
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