Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

how to cope with stress

how to cope with stress

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how to cope with stress 
how to cope with stress

How to cope with stress Stress is a State of the soul of the most popular in this century. Try to remember-remember back how many people you encounter say they are experiencing stress or perhaps you yourself were experiencing it?

Stress is not a disease, but if you can't deal with it in a certain time, you will be exposed to many health problems.

Some time ago I read an article that says:
– More than 40 million people in Europe or at least 1 in 3 workers say they are experiencing stress in the workplace.
– Stress at work is a second problem that often occurs in addition to the problem of back pain.
– From the results of the survey also said that more than a quarter of workers absent for 2 weeks (accumulation) a year because of health problems caused by stress.
Sorry because I haven't gotten the results of the survey in Indonesia, but I think more or less the same.

I will pass on some of the main things that can cause stress in the workplace:
– Working conditions have always been under pressure
– Lack of the given tasks
– Request the goods of very high
– Lack of planning work
– The existence of threats among employees
– Cries and invective of the consumer
– The always annoying co-workers
– Physical discomfort, such as sound machines that fuss, less ventilation etc.
-and worst of all, the absence of improvements to address the above issues.

These things can cause physical and mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, nervousness, not able to focus for long periods and prolonged tiredness.

If any of the above things you feel .... hmmm, I think you need to immediately change your daily activities both at work and in your life as a whole.

Here are 9 tips for tackling stress in the workplace:


1. Plan your activities well: what, why, how, when and who is responsible for the tasks. It is important to create not only the planning but also long term short term (monthly plan, daily plan).

2. No doubt you in the past have experienced problems in the workplace. Try to keep that in mind come back are the ways that you can use to troubleshoot problems that you are facing today.

3. Follow build climate work, that is by being open and communicate with fellow co-workers.

4. make sure you understand the duties and responsibilities towards you, and feel free to ask.

5. Do some times break for a few minutes while you work. Laid back and don't do anything. Take a deep breath.

6. Have the attitude of tolerance to fellow co-workers. Remember that each person is a unique private, for example: some people thus perform better under pressure while others need more time to complete his work.

7. Delegate some of your responsibilities to your fruit.

8. Keep your team spirit, for example by doing small festivals, exercise or leisure together.

9. Provide a good working environment. Minimize disturbances such as sound, light, temperature and ventilation.

In addition to stress in the workplace, in public life we may experience stress with some reason.
next artickel very important click here

so keep on thinking positive is the way how to relieve stress

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